Council launches Exeter Housing Charity of the Year Award

To show appreciation for the exceptional work carried out by charities and voluntary organisations around the City, Exeter City Council is launching the Exeter Housing Charity of the Year Award.  Prize money of £500 will be offered as part of the award to enable the organisation to continue with their good work. A trophy will be presented to the winner at the Housing Strategy Event being held at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in January 2013. The winner will also be given the use of Exeter City Council’s logo and ‘Exeter Housing Charity of the Year 2013’ strapline for the following year.   Local not-for-profit organisations are invited to submit a case study to demonstrate how they provide excellent housing support within Exeter. The case studies will be judged by a panel of independent experts. The judges will look at how each organisation has helped citizens of Exeter tackle the vital challenges of housing. All entries must be from organisations that deliver housing-related support to citizens of Exeter who are disadvantaged by vulnerability or disability, or are marginalised in some other way. For more information and to enter, please contact Exeter Housing Charity of the Year at, visit or call Rosie Harris on 01392 265 685.  The closing date for entries is 12 noon Friday 4 January 2013. 

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