Creating space for people and wildlife at Peak Hill
Over the winter, the National Trust has been busy creating open glades at Peak Hill in Sidmouth to benefit wildlife and create new vistas for those walking along the beautiful south west coast path.
“Lots of wildlife flourishes in more open habitats including beautiful wild flowers and butterflies,” explains Chris Jones, Countryside Ranger for the National Trust East Devon Coast and Countryside team. “We’re excited to find out which species of plant and animal will benefit from our work and we would be grateful to hear from the public if they spot anything unusual.”
All of the glade creation work at Peak Hill has been completed with the help of volunteers and money from the Sid Vale Association.
Work is set to continue along the coast path next winter. If you would like to get involved with this work, or indeed any other ranger-related tasks across East Devon, please contact Ruby Cole, Community Ranger at or call 01297680507.