Devon adoption agency looking for families to adopt children with disabilities and special needs
Approximately 40 per cent of children waiting for an adoptive family have impairment or some form of special need or disability. Family for Me is a new project launched by local adoption agency Families for Children which hopes not only to raise awareness of the children who are waiting the longest but to specifically recruit adoptive families for these children. Their first question asks whether you could adopt a child with a disability.
Cat Gifford, Senior Practitioner with the Family for Me project says;
“Family for Me is a unique project for the Agency. We usually look to assess those people who are already considering adoption and match them with children from all over the UK, but the Family for Me is a project hoping to find families for children waiting right now. These children have been waiting a long time to be placed many because of their disabilities. We understand adopting a child with disabilities may be daunting, but Families for Children are here to help.”
When many people think about a child with a disability they picture a life of difficulties and obstacles. They imagine that they won’t be able to cope, that it will be too difficult or too much of a commitment. All of these things can seem quite daunting and may perhaps frighten people off from considering caring for a disabled child. For many people, disability can carry an overwhelming label, which obscures the actual child within. Many parents of a child with a disability would agree that the special bond between you really makes you appreciate the small things; making each personal achievement of the child an amazing milestone.
Sally and Adrian adopted Jasmine through Families for Children.
She said: “Having given respite care for children with disabilities for several years and our sons about to leave home, we decided we could offer a permanent home to a child with disabilities. The adoption process can be exhausting at times but with the support of a great social worker we were matched with Jasmine, who’s beautiful, has autism and severe learning disabilities. She has given us a new lease of life since being placed with us. She can be challenging, but it’s amazing when she gives us big cuddles and smiles. We go for walks and Jasmine loves the rain and puddles! We have never regretted our decision to adopt Jasmine and would recommend anyone thinking of adoption to find out more about adopting a child with disabilities as there are so many children needing a permanent family. “
Cat continues, “At Families for Children we are adoption specialists, offering a lifetime of support for all our children and their families for as long we’re needed. We can offer support to enhance parenting to meet a child’s individual needs. We work closely with Local Authorities and health professionals to help assess the social, emotional and physical needs of each child, ensuring that our families are aware of their entitlements and services available to them to meet their child’s needs.”
So what of the children? The Family for Me project asks you to meet Kaitlin
“When you first meet 2 year old Kaitlin you’re drawn by her smile and beautiful eyes. A small voice with a big personality. Kaitlin is a happy, calm and sweet child who engages all who meet her. Kaitlin rarely cries, has an infectious laugh and babbles happily with everyone. She loves all sensory experiences and swimming.
Kaitlin has some disability and health needs that will impact on her throughout her life. She experienced severe neglect and due to this a complete failure to thrive in the first year of her life.
However, Kaitlin is making wonderful developmental progress.
Kaitlin’s Foster Carer says, “ My hopes for Kaitlin are that with lots of love and support she will be given the opportunity to reach her full potential with a loving family. She needs parents who are animated, enjoy life, fun, and devoted to a beautiful little girl who is fun to be with, she has had a few setbacks but is a fighter and she will give life her best shot, she just needs a family to make this come true.”
Could you be a family for Kaitlin or any other of the children the Family for Me project is searching for a family for?
If you would like further information we are holding an information morning on Saturday July 12th from 10am to 12noon. For more details please call Cat on 01364 400064 or visit