Devon Air Ambulance celebrates its high flying lottery
It’s been quite a week for Devon Air Ambulance Trust’s in house Lottery, who is celebrating 30,000 playing members.
The charity funded service started its own in house lottery in September 2001 and since then it has gone from strength to strength.
The amount raised by DAAT Lottery members effectively this year will pay for 330 life-saving missions. A huge achievement.
In 2013 sales of the Lottery equated to £1.35 million with over £900,000 donated back to the Trust (272 missions) after the deduction of the prize fund and minimal administration charges.
Caroline Creer, Fundraising Director of Devon Air Ambulance Trust said “Our first year’s sales were £252,308. This year predicted sales are set to be £1.56 million!”
She added “In the last week we have celebrated 30,000 playing members. This is a huge achievement for us. 88% of our members play by standing order which is the most cost effective way to pay as it keeps our administration costs as low as possible. However our members also play by cheque or at a local agent, popping in to pay their £1 a week.”
If you are over the age of 16 why not join our lottery now? It’s just £1 per lucky number a week (with an average of 70p in the £1 going back to the Charity) and gives you the chance to win one of 13 cash prizes every week, the top being £1350!
The Charity also has a small group of canvassers who sign up people to their Lottery either door to door or at local stores.
Further information: http://www.daat.org/lottery/