Devon authors to share tricks of the trade
Three Devon authors, who are all members of the same writing group, will be sharing their experience of the rocky road to publication, in an attempt to help other writers get published.
Yaara Lahav Gregory, Anna Lunk, and Sophie Pierce will be in conversation at Exeter Central Library next month (March 12th), in an event entitled One Writers’ Group: Three Routes to Publication.
All three have had books published in the last year, but know what a lonely business writing is, and how difficult it is to get published. The trio will share their experiences in an event at Exeter Central Library on Tuesday March 12th at 17:30. They will read extracts from their books, talk about their journeys to publication and discuss the support and encouragement they received from their writing group.
Their books are very different: Yaara’s Night Swimming in the Jordan (Cinnamon Press) is a novel set in 1970s Israel, but which also incorporates life in Devon. Anna’s novel Amie’s Rest (Buzzard Press) is the story of a young girl navigating life on her own after being in care, while Sophie’s memoir The Green Hill: Letters to a Son (Unbound) is about the sudden death of her son Felix, and the role of the Devon landscape in her journey of grief.
Says Anna: “All writers know how difficult it is to get published. For many years, we’ve all been working away, mostly on our own, so being part of a writer’s group has been an enormous source not just of support, but of sharing of information.
Yaara is delighted the group have found success, and says writers should never give up. “Who would have thought that all three of us would publish books in the same year, after so many years of hard work not to mention disappointments!”
To find out more and get free tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/one-writers-group-three-routes-to-publication-tickets-814028068867?aff=oddtdtcreator