Devon County Council launches Covid-19 Fund to help communities
Devon County Council has launched it’s third round of COVID-19 Funding to help provide valuable funding to organisations working in communities that have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
The scheme launches this Monday (January 11, 2021) and grants of up to £700 are available.
The funding aims to help voluntary and community groups to tackle the social and economic impacts of the virus outbreak and help those who are most vulnerable in their communities.
The funding can be used to address issues such as:
• Safe deliveries of essential goods and services to people who are isolating or vulnerable, for example food and medicine.
• Supporting people to access online information and services.
• Starting virtual support groups to help people who are isolated to stay connected and to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Applications are accepted from constituted and not-for-private-profit voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector groups and organisations, town and parish councils, charities or businesses or a combination of such groups working together.
Groups, small local businesses and individuals without their own separate bank account may also apply, but they will need to have the support of a recognised organisation - such as Town and Parish Council, local Community and Voluntary Services (CVS) organisation, village hall or other established local voluntary groups - acting on their behalf as guarantor or as the holder of the funding.
Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council's Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “It’s been a difficult year for everyone and it’s important that we continue to help communities support the vulnerable.
“There is some excellent work going on to maintain people’s physical and mental wellbeing while they are isolated.
“We hope that the Covid-19 Fund will provide rapid and flexible financial support to better enable community groups to tackle some of the issues they face safely and in the ways that work best for them.”
For more information about applying, the application form and the terms and conditions visit the Devon County Council website .
If you are having trouble applying or for other help and support, please email with the subject ‘SUPPORT’.
If your application is for food provision please use this link and submit an application to this fund:
Sign up for Devon County Council updates on coronavirus HERE
You can find the latest coronavirus advice in Devon on DCC's website.