Devon Libraries support Dementia
Libraries across Devon are marking national Dementia Awareness Week (18 to 24 May) by highlighting the support and advice they offer for people whose lives are affected by dementia.
Ciara Eastell, Head of Devon County Council’s Library Service, said: “Dementia is becoming the most significant health issue of our time, and has a profound impact, not only on the person affected but also on family and friends.
"There is still an acute lack of understanding for the condition so access quality-assured information, advice and support for dementia care is important.
"Our libraries provide a social and geographical hub for communities, and a trusted source of information and advice, so play a vital role in the development of dementia-friendly communities and build understanding and awareness of the condition.”
With the support of Devon Public Health, every library and mobile library in Devon holds a full collection of Reading Well Books on Prescription for dementia books.
The 25 titles have been recommended by health experts as well as people with lived experience.
The list includes a range of books offering information and advice about dementia and normal aging, support with living well after diagnosis, practical advice for carers, personal accounts, and suggestions for shared therapeutic activities.
Health professionals can recommend helpful reading to support people with dementia and their carers, and people can also self-refer using the booklist to borrow titles for free from their local library.
Since its launch in February the scheme has also helped the many people living without a formal diagnosis, who may be worrying about symptoms and want to find out more.
More information about the books and other sources of information about dementia is available on the Devon Libraries webpage: http://www.devon.gov.uk/readingwell and through the Devon Dementia Roadmap: www.dementiaroadmap.info/devon/
There are also several Library Memory shared reading groups for people living with memory loss and their carers. The groups are led by trained facilitators providing support for sharing in a friendly environment. For more information about these groups go to http://www.devon.gov.uk/getintoreading
Reminiscence resources can be very helpful for groups and individuals experiencing memory loss. Devon Libraries offer free reminiscence resources for loan including books, music and nostalgic items of interest. Ask in your local library for details.
Devon Libraries recognises that being a carer brings its own challenges and offers a specific library membership entitlement to carers, which includes reduced overdue charges and free loan of spoken word items.
During Dementia Awareness Week, Barnstaple Library will host several local organisations including The Alzheimer’s Society, Barnstaple Memory Café, Age Concern and Barnstaple Dementia Action Alliance. Pop in for a chat and find out more about the help and support on offer in Barnstaple.
Friday 22 May, from 12.30 - 2pm, the private client team of Stephens Scown will be available at Exeter Library with a drop in clinic to have a free chat about general concerns or queries relating to powers of attorney and related issues.
Libraries across Devon remain positive about working with local dementia action alliances and other organisations supporting people living with dementia and their carers – please contact your local library to discuss the possibilities for this.