The dinosaur that came to stay
Last month a young family from Brighton visiting A la Ronde left behind a toy dinosaur.
After receiving a phone call from the family to say that the toy’s owner was a little upset, the team at A la Ronde decided to give the dinosaur a good time while waiting for it to be collected. After all, A la Ronde is on the outskirts of Exmouth, the start of the Jurassic Coast.
The dinosaur got involved in all aspects of the daily running of a National Trust property, from answering the phone, guarding the entrance to the shell gallery, playing the piano and working in the garden with the volunteers.
After its two week stay came to an end, the dinosaur was presented with a laminated story board of its adventures to give to its young owner. Linda Adams, A la Ronde Administrator, said:
“We wanted the young boy to know that his dinosaur was well looked after on its holiday. Several days later, we were absolutely delighted to receive a letter thanking us for looking after his friend. All the staff and volunteers agreed that having the dinosaur here was a roaring success.”