Early boost for Exeter housing market
The housing market in Exeter has been given an early spring boost following news that buyers will have their best opportunity ever to secure a low mortgage rate in the next few months.
Housebuilder Barratt Homes says that figures from the Bank of England and advice from mortgage brokers are set to give buyers the confidence to make a move sooner rather than later.
“It looks like spring has come early to the housing market,’’ said Barratt managing director Paul Moran. “A combination of low interest rates, new mortgage products and schemes such as Help to Buy are really boosting affordability.’’
Gerry Dupree from Dupree Mortgage Solutions confirmed that buyers are currently enjoying a rates bonanza and a wide range of options from lenders.
“At the moment there are some extremely attractive fixed rates for buyers and we believe that the next few months will provide househunters with the best opportunity ever to secure a low rate on their new home,’’ he said.
“Rates will rise at some point so we think the current situation is set to give the property market an early spring boost and at the moment first time buyers and those looking to move up the housing ladder can all take advantage of the low rates and the option for fixed rate mortgages.’’