Encouraging social entrepreneurs of the future

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 10:44am

Devon County Council is supporting a new scheme aimed at encouraging the growth of dynamic small social enterprises and 3rd sector organisations in Devon.

The project will be run by The School for Social Entrepreneurs, Dartington.

Social entrepreneurs establish and run enterprises with the aim of furthering specific social, cultural, and/or environmental goals, into which profits are reinvested.  They tend to operate predominantly within the social economy.

It follows the success of a similar scheme in North Devon earlier in the year which saw 17 participants complete a 3 month (9 day) programme which helped them understand the key information, skills and personal attributes needed when starting and developing a social enterprise.

The individuals involved in the programme had a wide variety of business ideas, all at different stages of development. They included; promoting sustainable health, lifestyle choices, community hubs, an environmental research and development project, energy co-operatives, project management support for charities, film production, supporting small scale co-operatives of artisans in developing countries and a food bank.

The programme was extremely well received, with overwhelming positive feedback from all those who attended.

Some of the responses included:

“The course helped me to crystallise my thinking on my business, and helped me to see that the issues I was facing, were universal.”

“This excellent training made a significant difference, enabling me to more confidentially take my social enterprise forward, with a much better chance of success.”

“The course has helped me to crystallise the direction of the company and the essence of what we would like to achieve.”

Based on the success of this programme, a further scheme is planned to support early stage enterprises across rural Devon. The SSE (School for Social Entrepreneurs) has a well established model developed over the last 16 years and builds on the existing social entrepreneurship Start Up and development courses run in Devon, Plymouth and Bristol by Dartington since 2009.

The 10 day action programme will run over 3 months from January next year and will provide practical and bespoke support for up to 20 participants.

It will include sessions with successful entrepreneurs and business professionals,  action learning activities to help build skills, and forums to demonstrate real-life challenges being faced by organisations. Also planned are project visits and follow up business mentoring
provided by senior PWC staff members.

Cabinet member for Economy and Growth, Councillor Andrew Leadbetter says: "What we hope is that participants will come away with a clear sense of opportunity, direction and strategy for their enterprise and that the programme will give them that confidence and self esteem for them to take their business forward.

"In a rural county such as Devon, if you are trying to set something up of this nature, it can be quite an isolating experience. However, a programme like this can be the springboard to turn a business idea into reality and make new connections at the same time."

"As a sector, social enterprise is still emerging and requires support and nurturing. In its role as a community leader, Devon County is well placed to help in this respect, with the dual benefit of supporting economic growth and tackling social issues."

David Adair Head of Community Affairs at Price Waterhouse Coopers says; "Our collaboration with the School for Social Entrepreneurs Dartington aims to support local solutions addressing the issues of rural deprivation by capacity building innovative projects and mentoring social entrepreneurs."

For more information about the SSE Dartington go here and to apply go here.

Devon County Council has provided just over £20,000 for the scheme with a further £10,000 coming from sponsors PwC (Price Waterhouse Coopers)

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