Exeter City Council seeks views on sex establishment policy
People can have their say on Exeter City Council's Sex Establishment Policy.
The current interim policy limits the number of Sex Entertainment Venues (SEVs) to one in the City Centre and zero elsewhere. It also restricts the number of sex shops to two.
The Council would like to consult Exeter residents and other interested parties on whether this is appropriate to have a policy and if so, what sort of controls and conditions should be included to ensure that the premises are situated in appropriate locations and properly managed.
A consultation questionnaire was published earlier this month with a large number of organisations in Exeter contacted for their thoughts, but residents' views are sought too. The questionnaire can be filled on-line or downloaded from the Council's web-site at www.exeter.gov.uk/sexestablishmentpolicy
Councillor Greg Sheldon, Lead Councillor for Environment and Leisure, said: "This is a really important policy and I think it is right that local people should be given the chance to have their say on the operation of lap dancing clubs and similar venues in the city."
The consultation ends on 5 June.