Exeter hosts World Pancake Championships
You don’t get many World Championships coming to Exeter, but on Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday 17 February), Princesshay will host the second World Pancake Racing Championships.
Local businesses and organisations will take to the street to demonstrate their pancake flipping credentials.
The Pancake World Championship is a partnership between local Event Management company Wacky Nation and Princesshay, to add some fun entertainment for shoppers during the half term holidays and raise funds for local charities.
Teams of between two and four members will compete in heats along the short portable racing track supplied by South West Athletics Academy, with each team member flipping a pancake four times.
Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw will be monitoring the action to ensure that all flipping is done properly. Speed, dexterity and co-ordination will be key ingredients but above all, a willingness to have a flipping fun time.
Twenty local businesses, organisations and individual teams have been busy practicing their flips and even stirring up some friendly rivalry with other companies or shops.
Sally Raynes, Wacky Nation said: “Local businesses really embraced last year’s inaugural event which was a huge success.
"Many of the teams entered in fancy dress and the whole event encapsulated what a world championship should be i.e. a zany over-competitive spirit, very unpredictable with a great camaraderie. I expect this year’s event will be even more madcap and another local company will head back to their desks as World Champions!’’
Wayne Pearce Centre Director, Princesshay said: “We’re looking forward to hosting the 2nd World Pancake Racing Championships in Princesshay again this year. It is fantastic to hear that we have so many businesses supporting the event and it’s a great opportunity for local businesses to raise funds for a very worthy cause, our charity of the year, Age UK Exeter. What a great way to celebrate Pancake Day!“
The pancake race will take place during lunch time with the first heats kicking off at 12.30pm with prizes including a £50 Princesshay Gift Card and a meal for two at Michael Caines. Presentations are expected to take place at 1.15pm.
In addition to the racing, there will be music and fun entertainment with South West Athletics Academy offering members of the public the chance to come along and try out how fast they can complete the '20m Pancake Challenge' on their amazing portable track either side of the main races. Will you be their 2015 champion?
The organisers hope teams will get themselves sponsored, (though not compulsory) and raise money for local charity Exeter Age UK, Princesshay’s charity partner for 2015.
Entry costs just £40 per team and there will be prizes for first and second place teams, plus a trophy for our World Champions!
Team spaces are filling up quickly, to receive information and an entry pack visit www.wackynation.com/pancake-race. Alternatively please contact Wacky Nation on 01884 255896 or via email info@wackynation.com