Exeter Junior School head bids farewell
As the end of term approaches, Headmistress Mrs Alison Turner is about to begin the next stage of her life and career in New York City and says farewell to Exeter Junior School.
Headmaster Mr Bob Griffin said Mrs Turner's approach was characterised from the outset by her kindness, her interest in, and respect for, all members of the community and her wish to educate her pupils in the widest sense, instilling in them fundamental Christian values and imbuing them with her tremendous sense of fun
As an ordained Church of England priest, Mrs Turner immediately established strong links for the school with Exeter Cathedral, led worship in the Junior School and presided alongside the Chaplain at many Founders' Days.
"Mrs Turner has embraced and cherished the ethos of our 7-18 school, enabling her pupils and staff to reach across the primary/secondary divide and to see themselves within the context of a longer and valuable educational journey," said Mr Griffin.
"She is selfless, inclusive, always caring, and remarkably kind. Behind the scenes, in her whole-school management role, Mrs Turner has been a wise, thoughtful and positive team player, sharing her own very high personal standards and always considering the welfare of individuals."
We will miss Mrs Turner enormously; she has given excellent service to Exeter School in her nine years as Headmistress of Exeter Junior School and we thank her with all our hearts.
Deputy Head of Exeter School, Mr Paul Šljivic, will be taking over as interim Head of Exeter Junior School for the Summer term. He has maintained close links with the Junior School for many years including as a parent of two daughters who thrived in its care and has watched with admiration the transformation from a small four-form school with 100 boys to the thriving co-educational, 200-strong school of today.
He is very much looking forward to getting to know Junior School pupils and families better in his new role until the arrival of Mrs Sue Marks in September.