Exeter Phoenix 48hr Film Challenge opens Friday
Want to try making a film? Now’s your chance! Exeter Phoenix is challenging all budding filmmakers to create, shoot and edit a film in the space of just 48 hours. No experience is necessary – just a good imagination and a free weekend.
On Friday 9 November film-makers, either individually or as part of a team, will receive a brief which will include a theme, a prop and a sentence which must be incorporated into their film. Entrants then have until the evening of Sunday 11 November to plan, shoot and edit a film no longer than 5 minutes.
Submitted films are judged and the final selections are screened at Two Short Nights Film Festival on 29 – 30 November with the audience deciding who should win the Best Film Award.
For over a decade Exeter Phoenix has supported filmmaking talent; commissioning and offering a professional platform for budding filmmakers which has often kick-started a successful career in the industry. Andy Oxley’s film, Men, Loos and Number Twos, first commissioned by Exeter Phoenix was recently screened at London Short Film Festival, was nominated for a Virgin Shorts Award and has just won the Golden Poo Awards! Similarly, Greg Ash who took part in the 48 Hour Film Challenge in 2009 has gone to have a hugely successful filmmaking career in America with his short film Fired recently being nominated for Best Comedy at the LA Comedy Festival.
This year, Exeter Phoenix has commissioned six new films including The Oliver Complex by Jerri Hart. Perhaps best known locally for his incredible renditions of classic swing songs on Exeter High Street, Jerri is also a talented filmmaker. His 10 minute comedy in which characters diagnosed with the ‘Oliver complex’ experience life as a West End musical is bound to delight audiences with its dark humour.
Selected films from the 48 hour Film Challenge, along with Exeter Phoenix commissioned films and other award-winning short films from around the world will be screened at Exeter Phoenix, as part of Two Short Nights Film Festival alongside classes, workshops and seminars for anyone interested in the film-making industry. www.twoshortnights.co.uk.