Exeter police officers visit Nigerian community day

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 11:34pm

Exeter police officers went along to a Nigerian community fun day last weekend to meet families, chat to children and help with some of the activities.    

This event is organised by Inclusive Exeter and aims to promote community cohesion and celebrate the vibrant Nigerian culture.

Sergeant James Wellard and PC George House, from one of the Exeter police neighbourhood teams, were at the event which took place at Wonford Playing Fields.

The family fun day on 21 July involved egg and spoon races, ball games, stickers for the children, hook a duck, face painting, bouncy castle, three-legged races, sack races and plenty of delicious food. Everyone was welcome and the weather stayed fine.

Project Administrator for Inclusive Exeter, Mathew Jose Mangatt, added: “Thank you so much for arranging for police officers to attend our event. Their presence contributed greatly to the safety and community spirit of our gathering. The officers were courteous and professional, and their interaction was appreciated by all attendees. We are grateful for the support and assistance of the neighbourhood policing team. We hope to see them at future events!”

Devon & Cornwall Police work hard with all communities to make sure their services are accessible to everyone. This is especially important for groups and individuals who may feel they are under-represented in their communities and often find it hard to reach out to the police. 

Exeter is a diverse, multi cultural city and it is important that local people feel they can speak to officers if they have concerns or queries.   

To get updates and news on the neighbourhood teams in Wonford and other areas of the city please follow Exeter Police on Facebook. 

Inclusive Exeter run a range of projects for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. Please visit their website for more information Inclusive Exeter

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