Exeter ranks as one of the most concerned places in the UK about Blue Monday
The research looking into regional Google search queries directly related to Blue Monday, reveals that Bath citizens are the most concerned how Blue Monday might affect them, followed by Lincoln and Exeter.
While some people treat Blue Monday as any other Monday, there are also those who are interested to understand how this day may impact their mood and how to prepare for it. According to Google search data analysed by Note Cosmetics, the UK city with the highest number of search queries in proportion to its population is Bath with 120 average monthly searches, followed by Lincoln and Exeter that have 130 monthly searches but a slightly bigger population. Some other UK towns that occupied top positions include Cheltenham, Bedford and Bolton.
The most commonly asked question in relation to Blue Monday is ‘what is Blue Monday’, accounting for the majority of UK monthly search queries at 1300, followed by ‘when is blue Monday’ with 590.
However, these numbers do not reflect the places in the UK that feel the most blue overall. Analysing search queries for questions related to feeling sad, Bedford comes on top with 850 average monthly queries in relation to its population, followed by Brighton with 930, Bolton with 940 and York with 960.
The most searched for question is ‘why do I feel sad’ with an average of 1000 search queries per month, followed by ‘how to stop feeling sad’ with 480 monthly queries.
Places in the UK that are the most into finding out the secret to happiness in proportion to their population are Bolton with 500 monthly searches, Bedford with 300 and Cambridge with 440. ‘How to feel happy’ is the most searched for question reaching 1900 average monthly searches across the UK.
How does your city rank when it comes to Blue Monday?
The places in the UK which are concerned about Blue Monday the most:
The places in the UK which are concerned about Blue Monday the least: