Exeter residents complete the home stretch to a healthier future
Young residents and staff at the Exeter Foyer in Commercial Road invited members of the local community to don fancy dress and get involved in a mile-long final fun-run around Exeter Quay this month to mark the end of the Foyer Health Action Project.
The three-month fitness initiative aims to educate 16-21 year-olds living in supported accommodation on the importance of health, fitness and living a well-balanced life-style. The project was organised by Foyer operator Stonewater, one of the UK’s leading housing providers.
“Our young residents have approached the Foyer Health Action Project with an enthusiasm that has increased along with their fitness levels,” said Exeter Foyer Manager Debbie Brimacombe.
“The project has educated each participant on the benefits of healthy eating, regular physical activity and the positive effect this can have on their wellbeing.
"It has shown them that living a healthy lifestyle is not only simple and fun, but something that can be done with friends and as a result they have taken on each new challenge across the 12-week period with renewed vigour, spurred on by the generous support they have received from members of the public who have taken part in our physical activities along the way.”
The completion of the fun-run and Health Action Project was marked by an awards ceremony recognising the achievements of the young people who participated in the initiative and the positive steps they’ve taken towards increasing their health, fitness and wellbeing for life.
The Foyer Health Action Project, which was funded through the Big Lottery Foyer Federation Healthy Conversations Programme, comprised of 12 weeks of activity split into four week blocks of cycling, swimming and jogging or walking.
The programme also aimed to promote affordable healthy-eating ideas and simple ways to prepare a range of healthy meals. The project was undertaken in support of the Government’s Change 4 Life and Sugar Swap initiatives that encourage young people to be active daily and to switch sugary foods for a healthy alternative.