Exeter St James Neighbourhood Plan leads the way

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, February 25, 2013 - 9:04pm

People living in St James, Exeter, have taken another step towards gaining a more hands-on role in the planning of their neighbourhood.

The Exeter St James Neighbourhood Plan examiner’s report was received on 15 February and is only the second in the country to reach this stage. The good news for the St James Forum and for Exeter City Council is that the report concludes, with a few minor modifications, the Plan should now proceed to a referendum.

Planning Minister Nick Boles, said: "This is a big milestone for both neighbourhood planning and Exeter. The city is leading the way in using neighbourhood planning to address local challenges and showing other urban areas how they can do the same."

Community Rights Minister Don Foster said: "Very well done to the Exeter St James Forum, which has shown just what can be achieved when local people and councils work together to shape the community."

Neighbourhood Planning was introduced under the Localism Act to give members of the community a more hands on role in the planning of their neighbourhoods. The Exeter St James Forum have made impressive progress in producing a Neighbourhood Plan. They have become the first urban Neighbourhood Plan and the first Neighbourhood Forum to have reached this stage.

Councillor Rachel Sutton, Lead Councillor for Sustainable Development and Transport, said: "The next stage in the process is the referendum where the community has the final say on whether a neighbourhood plan comes into force. If more than 50 per cent of people voting in the referendum support the plan then Exeter City Council will use the plan to help it decide planning applications in the ward of St James."

It is hoped that the referendum can be combined with the County Council elections on 2 May.

If this Neighbourhood Plan is voted in, it will enable the community to influence development locally, delivering a balanced and vibrant community, setting standards of design for new housing and earmarking valued green spaces for protection.

The examination report is available to view here.

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