Fire service Simulator used to prevent drink driving

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (DSFRS) are encouraging the public in Torbay to ‘drive’ their Simulator as part of this year’s anti drink driving campaign.

They have joined forces with Torbay Police and Torbay Council Road Safety Team to promote the importance of not drinking and driving this Christmas. Torbay Community Safety Sergeant Louise Costin said, “The campaign is a Torbay initiative as part of the force-wide operation to crack down on drinking and driving over Christmas through both education and enforcement.

“The education event will be from 6.00pm on Saturday 8th and Friday 14th December at the Strand Torquay when people ‘driving’ the simulator will see how alcohol drastically impedes their ability to drive. Please do come and meet us.

“We are also going to be at various locations with the Council Road Safety team in the evenings and early mornings to reinforce the message of not drinking and driving and drivers will be stopped and breathalysed if alcohol is apparent. Anyone who fails will be arrested.

“People do not think they will be caught. We are asking people to be responsible and plan their evening. Do not drive to where you will be drinking or you may be tempted to drive home if your car is nearby. Book a taxi and share the cost with your friends. A car is potentially a lethal weapon. You may kill those outside or inside your car. You will lose your licence. You will be judged. You may lose your job.

“And remember the morning after. If you have consumed alcohol the following evening you may not be safe to drive the following day for some hours.

“Do not drink and Drive.”

Tony Heywood from DSFRS echoes this and says, “The Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue is committed to reducing death and injury on the roads through a combination of our own initiatives and importantly in combination with other partners.

“We are very pleased to play an active involvement in this important campaign and plea to all drivers of any age, not to mix alcohol and driving at this or any time”.

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