First board meeting of Devon Local Nature Partnership

The Devon Local Nature Partnership will hold its first board meeting on Monday (3rd December).

Devon County Council is supporting the development of the Partnership with a wide range of other partners including district councils, Torbay Council, the Primary Care Trust, the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, NFU, Environment Agency, Natural England, Devon Wildlife Trust, RSPB, the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Community Council of Devon, among many others.

Its role will be to act as a champion for Devon’s natural environment, protecting its character while maximising the economic value and social benefits that it provides for local people and visitors.

The Partnership, which covers all of Devon except Plymouth, was given LNP status by Defra in July. It is one of 48 LNPs being developed across the country since the Government’s Natural Environment White Paper was published in 2011. 

Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Community, said: “It is important that Devon has a strong voice to support the county’s valuable natural environment. Our environment is a tremendous asset, providing many benefits, from leisure, health and wellbeing through to the economy. It is one of the main reasons that people and businesses locate here. Devon County Council is keen to back the LNP and ensure that it grows into an effective and influential partnership.”

The Devon Local Nature Partnership will be consulting on a business plan in the New Year. Information on this, as well as other information on the LNP, will be available on

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