Fittest farmer qualifiers to take place at Devon County Show 2023
Devon County Show is to play host to the qualifying rounds to find ‘Britain’s Fittest Farmer of 2023’.
Qualifying contestants from the South West region will be invited to attend the Devon County Show on the final day of the 3-day show, Saturday 20th May, to test their mettle in various heats and to see if they can successfully muscle in on the hotly contested Fittest Farmer Title as well as a cash prize of £1,000 for each category.
Nevena Redzic, Event Lead from Farmer’s Weekly who organise the initiative said: “This is now an established event and invites upwards of 100 entries per year. But it’s not just about fun – although there is, of course, plenty of that. It’s also a way of a of sparking a vital discussion about the physical and mental health of the nation’s farmers. As farming becomes less active and more mechanised and office-based, it’s more important than ever before to make sure Britain’s farmers are getting the exercise that they need to stay fit and healthy.”
Lisa Moore, Acting show Manager at Devon County Show is delighted that the Show has been selected for the qualifying rounds. “Funnily enough, there’s been an extraordinary surge of interest in this competition from both show staff and volunteers, all of whom are more than eager to ‘help out’ on the day! But on a more serious note, we’re delighted to be hosting a competition that raises awareness for the need for both mental and physical fitness which will help to ensure a healthy farming future in the UK.”
Potential candidates are invited to apply at this stage of the competition in three categories – Men, Women and Men and Women aged over 40. Those interested can apply visiting the dedicated website here.
Once the candidates get past the initial qualifying criteria, they’ll be invited to attend one of the three events taking place around the country:
- Devon County Show, Saturday 20 May
- Lincolnshire County Show, Wednesday 21 June
- Royal Highland Show, Sunday 25 June
The three qualifiers will whittle the contestants down to 10 men and 10 women under 40 and up to 10 men or women over 40 to proceed to the final stages of the competition which will take place in September.
To be a spectator at this must-see event, book your early bird tickets now at www.devoncountyshow.co.uk. Two under 16s go free with a paying adult on Saturday 20th May, the day the qualifiers take place.