Four simple steps to wellness

However you define wellness, one thing you can’t deny is our growing obsession with it, in any capacity; which is always a good thing in our humble opinion.

Wellness is a broad spectrum, it’s suggestive and ultimately down to the individual. Your personal journey to wellness will vary to someone else’s. Wellness also doesn’t have to be so over-thought and is really about the smaller scale things in life, we often tend to lose going through the motions.

So what exactly is wellness? The easiest way to some up wellness is taking care of you, from the inside out. Whether that’s upping your vitamin intake, trying out a new hobby, or starting a new skin care regime – wellness should be heavily tailored to you.

Despite what click-bait will tell you, wellness doesn’t have to be an unnecessary splurge on high end products you’ll never commit to. There might be things to buy; but you don’t have to break the bank to make notable tweaks to your life. Why induce financial stress when you can avoid it? Surely, that’s not conducive to wellness.

With the difficult part out of the way, we’ve listed four simple tips to follow on your journey to wellness.

You are what you eat

No revelation; you really are what you eat. With meat alternative diets on the rise and more people paying attention to their bodies, your diet is a great place to start on a wellness journey.

You might not want to cut meat completely out of your life, which is fair enough. For health benefits, you could start with one plant-based breakfast, lunch or dinner a few times a week to start off. You could start buying more organic produce, or from local sources to help communities 

To make sure you body is getting the correct nutrients it needs, finding a good multi-vitamin is something to think about too, most brands will now offer vegan and vegetarian suitable supplements.

It’s also important to enjoy life, so if you do decide on a weekend restaurant crawl with your favourite friends, can we come?

Make your mind well

This is perhaps the most important tip of the list. It’s no secret that in our social-media crazed society, it can often be hard to shut off; in every aspect. Whilst social media is a great platform for sharing photos and thoughts, it can be a cruel multi-source platform, in an equally cruel at times world.

Every now and again it’s good to detox from social media, stop endlessly scrolling through your phone at click-bait and enjoy the now. Don’t post to keep up with the masses, focus on your real life and not the online life created for you by a network of friends, but for the most part strangers.

Listen to your body, listen closely enough and it will tell you what it needs - whether that’s a candle-lit bath, drawing a piece of art or, listening to your favourite podcast.

Many people are turning to natural remedies and solutions like Evopure CBD oils to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and sleep disorders.

Any excuse for a pamper

Looks aren’t everything, but it’s common enough that when we look good we feel better. Taking care of your appearance and having pride in a great skin care routine is everything to get excited about.

A good skincare routine at the basic level should include a cleanser, a toner and a moisturiser – the fun part is choosing which brands to explore. 

Thankfully, nowadays most skin care brand are on board with forward thinking products; including inclusive options for vegans, natural and skin loving ingredients and sustainable beauty. You’ll even find CBD infused beauty products to help with a range of skin ailments.

Endorphins give you wings

We don’t know who needs to hear this but, exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy – yeah, we said it.

Don’t splash out for a gym-membership if you’re on a budget or don’t want to, you can achieve goals from home, with a few pieces of equipment and a little determination.

A little improvement will build your confidence and encourage you to see your goal through, start small and work to a pace most comfortable for you. This is your race, no one else’s.

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