Green Light for New £9.7m University Technical College for South Devon

A £9.7m bid to create a University Technical College (UTC) in Newton Abbot has been approved by the Department for Education. 

South Devon UTC - the area’s first University Technical College – will offer a new way of learning for up to 600 young people aged 14 to 18. It will be based in Newton Abbot and recruit from a 30 mile catchment area which includes Teignbridge, Torbay, Exeter and the South Hams.

The academy school will have a unique focus in engineering, water and the environment, reflecting both the natural environment in Devon and the needs of employers in these industries where there is a lack of technicians available. Locally, apprenticeship numbers in science, engineering and manufacturing are half the regional average and nationally the technician deficit is estimated to reach 450,000 by 2020.

The project partners will now move forward with the choice of site for the new-build in Newton Abbot town centre, the selection of contractors and setting up the school, with up to £1m allocated for specialist engineering and science equipment and full ICT support for students. The school is currently planned to open in 2015, subject to the confirmation of site.

The University of Exeter’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Sir Steve Smith, commented:  “The University Technical College will play a key role in inspiring Devon’s young people to consider higher education and an engineering or science career. As a leading UK University we have an important part to play in raising the aspirations of local school students, and our extensive programme of outreach activity already demonstrates the opportunities offered through a university education to young people across the South West. The University Technical College will provide a new pathway to higher education to young people with a flair for engineering or science.”

Anne Marie Morris, MP for Newton Abbot, said:  “I am absolutely delighted the green light has been given to build South Devon UTC. This has been achieved as a result of the hard work of all involved in the partnership group and I pay tribute to their efforts. This is great news for our area and I cannot wait for it to open.”

Stephen Criddle, South Devon College’s Principal, said “South Devon College is delighted with the Department’s recent endorsement of the South Devon University Technical College (UTC) bid. This exciting new type of educational establishment, based in Teignbridge, will build and expand on the success of two outstanding educational providers and hugely committed local employers. There is much to do in the full set up phase with the aim for the first year of entry to the South Devon University Technical College. South Devon College is very pleased to be a core part of this shared vision for South Devon.”

The Leader of Devon County Council, Councillor John Hart, said: "The approval of the UTC will complement our whole strategy to develop Devon's economy. We are committed to providing more opportunities for our young people to become better qualified and for the whole workforce to be able to improve their skills. That means local companies will be able to expand and employ local people in better paid jobs and improve the standard of living. We have been delighted to work with the South Devon UTC partnership on this project and we look forward to more productive partnerships with our schools, FE colleges and universities across Devon."

South West Water’s Operations Director, Dr Stephen Bird, said: “South West Water is excited at the prospect of this new UTC and we see it as playing a key role in helping us develop the flexible, technically able and mobile workforce of the future. Linking in to our already successful apprenticeship scheme and helping to equip our local youngsters with the skills and knowledge they will need to work in our increasingly multi-skilled workforce is a key objective for us as we prepare for the challenges that face the water industry into the future.”

The Environment Agency’s Regional Director Richard Cresswell said: “When we are recruiting engineers and scientists we look for knowledge of our industry and an enthusiasm to be involved. We see that the UTC will give students the passion they need to ensure a commitment to their scientific or engineering career with us.”

Matthew Shanks, Executive Headteacher at Coombeshead Academy, said: “A University Technical College within Newton Abbot presents opportunities for the secondary schools to work alongside the partners connected with the UTC, in providing the best possible education for the young people of Newton Abbot. I am delighted with the positive announcement today.”

The UTC will integrate an outstanding academic and technical education with a comprehensive work experience and enrichment programme.  Teaching and learning will be delivered in a purpose built school enabling students to learn, qualify and progress through an exciting and engaging curriculum.  This will allow for the achievement of English, maths, science and technical qualifications through a practical and stimulating school experience with regular employer contact. A significant proportion of the timetable will be spent on work-based projects.

As a non-selective school the UTC will enable students to achieve academic qualifications including GCSEs and A levels as well as technical qualifications at levels 1-3.  Students will progress to jobs as technicians or apprentices or progress to university, many having secured industry sponsorship to do so.  Recent FSB national research has shown eight out of ten businesses do not believe school leavers are ready for work.  77% found school leavers’ general business awareness was poor.  The work-based learning practice of the school combined with work experience will ensure UTC graduates are professional, enterprising and competent, ready to join the workforce.

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