SW Green Party membership surges
Membership of the Green Party is growing rapidly in the South West. Figures from the regional Party reveal a 25% increase in the first five months of this year with 13% increase in May alone.
Greens say membership is likely to continue to soar in the wake of the election of Molly Scott Cato to the European Parliament, the first Green MEP for the South West.
South West Green Party Regional Coordinator, Norma Sherratt, said: “It is very evident from the membership figures, but also from talking to people, that there is renewed enthusiasm for the Green message in the South West.
"With LibDem support across the region in meltdown and Labour failing to put across a distinctive message, voters are turning to the Green Party where they are finding positive and progressive policies on social, economic and environmental justice.”
The Green Party made history in May by electing the first ever Green Party MEP for the South West region. Molly Scott Cato, who will officially take up her position in the European Parliament in July, said:
“Our ‘people before profit’ policies really resonate with voters who are seeking out a Party which truly represents their values. Many now find those values best represented by the Green Party.
"We have fantastic resources in our skilful people, our beautiful natural environments, our rich soils, and our fabulous potential for renewable energy. I think many people now see the Green Party as the Party most able to capitalize on these fantastic resources to improve the quality of life for all and bring real prosperity in the South West.”
The Green Party gained 11.2% of the vote in the European Election in the South West, taking the 6th seat out of six. The share of their vote rose from 9.3% in 2009. The Party also fared well in local elections, including two gains in Bristol and one in Stroud, as well as holding other seats.