Have you registered to vote yet?
It's not too late to register for a vote in next month's elections.
People have until the end of Monday (20 April) to make sure that they are on the electoral register.
A General Election will take place on Thursday 7 May to elect the Member of Parliament for the Exeter Constituency as well as elections for 13 seats on Exeter City Council.
Jeff Chalk, Electoral Services Manager said: “People must be on the electoral register to have their say on who sits on the City Council and who represents them in government. For those who have recently moved to the area, or moved house within the city, it is important to make sure that they register at their new address, otherwise they won’t be able to vote.
“It only takes a few minutes to complete a registration form but we must receive it by the end of Monday 20 April. The quickest and easiest way to do it is on line at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote .”
“Also, anyone who will be away on holiday or might be caught up in work and unable to make it to a polling station on the day, can make sure they still have a say by applying to vote by post or proxy. But hurry, as time is running out. The deadline for submitting a request is 5pm on Tuesday (21 April)!”
Forms are available by calling 265141 or are available online at www.exeter.gov.uk