Have your say on new Exeter Park and Ride
A consultation will be held on proposals for a new Park and Ride on the south west outskirts of Exeter.
Devon County Council is developing plans for the site adjacent to the A30/A377 interchange, between the westbound A30 slip road and the road that leads out towards Ide.
Consultation events will be held at West Exe School on Tuesday 21 July, from 4pm to 8pm, and at Ide Village Hall on Thursday 23 July, from 4pm to 8pm.
Visitors to the exhibitions will be able to view the site options and indicative layout plan for the preferred option and comment on them, and staff will be on hand to answer any questions.
The County Council has recently carried out more detailed assessments of alternative sites within a 500 metre radius of the A30 junction, which found the “round field” to be the preferred site as it presented fewer environmental and planning constraints than the alternatives. The facility could accommodate approximately 600 spaces, which is sufficient based on the predicted levels of traffic.
Councillor Andrew Leadbetter, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth, said: “The County Council feels the round field site addresses a number of people’s concerns that were previously raised about the Oaklands site. These consultation events are a good opportunity for people to see the proposals for this site and to provide us with their feedback."
Councillor Alan Connett, local member for Exminster and Kenton, said: “This is a key opportunity for local residents to have their say, see what's proposed and raise the issues that concern them and existing problems that need to be addressed, such as speed limits on the C50 road to Ide, and improving road safety.”
The scheme includes plans for an inbound bus lane between the A30/A377 interchange and Alphington Cross, and improved cycle links between Ide and Alphington will also be explored.
Anyone who is unable to attend the consultation events can view the material and comment online at www.new.devon.gov.uk/haveyoursay from Tuesday 21 July to Monday 17 August.