Help uncover the Crazy Well farmstead

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Sunday, February 14, 2016 - 2:21pm

Join Dartmoor National Park Ranger Ella Briens and Archaeologist Andy Crabb on Sunday 28 February 2016 as they lead a party of volunteers to uncover the remains of the Crazy Well farmstead. 

They will be removing gorse with hand tools to expose the farmstead features which have become overgrown.  The farmstead is in a splendid location south of Crazy Well Pool, within the Burrator reservoir catchment.

The site contains the ruins of a two roomed building, set within a small enclosure in the outer fields of “Classywell.” It is possible that the building was originally a “longhouse” and established in the 13th century at a time when warmer conditions and a growing population meant parts of Dartmoor were being colonised by farmers.

Alternatively, it has also been suggested that the site was in fact a small holding established in the 18th century, perhaps by a tin miner.

However, by the early 1870s, the site was abandoned along with a larger farmstead to the west. By clearing the gorse that is quickly overwhelming the area, we hope to be able to reveal some clues that will shed light on the origins of this fascinating site.

Meet at the Norsworthy Bridge Car Park GR SX 568 694 at 10am where we will then move out to the site and start clearing.  This is an active all day event involving walking and vegetation clearance, so please bring suitable outdoor clothing, a packed lunch and drink.

The day will finish back at Norsworthy Bridge at 3.30pm.

Conservation volunteering is a great way to experience the outdoors, get healthy exercise and help look after the environment. You will learn more about working as a Ranger and about Dartmoor’s internationally important archaeology and all FREE of charge.

These conservation work days are very popular, so please ensure you book early as places are limited. Tools and gloves will be provided. Sorry no dogs.

Please call or text Ranger Ella Briens on 07711 104546 or email  for more details and to book a place.

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