How to turn old stuff into extra money

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Sunday, June 9, 2019 - 6:39am

One man's trash is another man's treasure, and the internet is the perfect place to cash-in. We live in a consumer-driven world where people are always looking for deals, even on items that are old and unwanted. Believe it or not, your old stuff could earn you a pretty penny, especially if you know how to market and sell it on a digital marketplace.

Tired of thinking “I need money,” and instead want to do something about it? Changing your financial situation may be as simple as going through old boxes and drawers and selling old items that you don't need or want anymore.

Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of turning your old stuff into cold hard cash.

Choose the Right Platform

There are all sorts of places to sell your old items. Online you'll find dozens of marketplaces that allow users to sell anything and everything. Have old clothes, shoes, and accessories that you want to get rid of? Places like Craigslist, Ebay, Amazon Marketplace, and Poshmark are all great places to make cash for these items.

There are also marketplaces that specialize for people looking to sell electronics, musical instruments, and even cars. Do some research and find the best place that best fits the items you're looking to sell.

During your research, it's also important to consider any seller's fees. This is the fee that a company takes from your profit so that they too can benefit from the sale. Some sites have no seller's fees, but most do, so be aware of this before choosing a certain platform. While you may be able to sell at a higher price, the seller's fee may greatly impact your overall profit.

Get Items Appraised

Not everything you sell has to be appraised. For items such as clothing, shoes, or household items, you can easily figure out its value by looking at what similar items are selling for. But if you're selling antiques or collectible items like coins or old jewelry, it's worth getting them appraised so that you aren't under- or over-selling yourself. There's nothing worse than selling an item for much less than it's worth!

You can often find appraisers at local pawn shops and antique shops. Simply take your item(s) in and ask for them to be appraised. These professionals can also help in determining what you can expect to sell the item for. If you're looking for quick money, you could decide to sell your items to the shop and make cash on the spot!

Take Quality Pictures

If you plan to sell your items online, one of the most important things to do is to take high-quality photos. Because buyers can't see what they're purchasing in person, it's critical that you take pictures that indicate the color, condition, and wear of the items that you're selling.

With all items, take pictures in a well-lit room. Natural light is best as it doesn't skew the natural color of the item. Be sure to take various pictures of the item from different angles so that buyers can see exactly what the item looks like.

When selling clothing, shoes, and accessories online, have some fun with it! Take pictures of an outfit to show how you'd wear the article of clothing. This allows potential buyers to get a better idea of whether or not they want to purchase your shirt or one from another buyer.

Write a Catchy Description

Quality pictures are the first step in an attention drawing listing. What's also important is that you have a catchy description that quick and fun to read. Avoid writing paragraphs of information. Keep the description concise but don't skimp out on the details. When writing item descriptions, be sure to include information such as:

  • Color
  • Age of item
  • Condition of item
  • Size (if applicable)
  • Model (if applicable)

With a well-written item description, buyers will be able to get a clear idea of the item that you're selling. This way, they’ll have peace of mind and can buy confidently if they decide to do so.

Make Sure the Price is Right

Last but definitely not least, make sure that you're listing your item at a price that works for you and the buyer. If you list an item well above what it's worth, it's unlikely that you'll find anyone who is interested in buying it. At the same time, if you list an item too low, you will dig into your profit, or end up not making a profit at all.

When determining what to list an item for, conduct some research. Look on various marketplaces and see what similar items are selling for. You could also look at past sales records to see if the value has gone up or down.


With a little time, research, and effort, your old stuff can turn into cold hard cash! Keep these tips in mind to make the most out of your unused and unwanted items. Here's to successful sales!

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