How you can effortlessly pass your driving test by doing a crash course

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Sunday, September 17, 2017 - 7:44am

As a learner driver, you might be facing the question of ‘to do or not to do’ when it comes to the idea of taking an intensive driving course. Intensive driving courses are designed to help you get the most driver training and practice within a short amount of time, and are the perfect option for anybody who’s hoping to have passed their driving test and be ready to get out on the roads within a matter of weeks or even days.

There is a crash course option for everyone, whether you’ve never had a driving lesson before in your life or simply want some practice to refresh your memory before re-taking your driving test after a previous fail.

Whatever stage of driving you are at, here are some of the reasons why an intensive course could be your ticket to an effortless pass.

#1. Focus on Driving:

One of the benefits of taking an intensive driving course rather than paying for a lesson every few days is that it allows you to solely focus on improving your driving skills and becoming test ready. Many learner drivers who book an intensive driving course will clear their schedule for the time period that their course will last for; this means that there’s less chance that you will also be worrying about things such as college or university, or even working at a full-time job.

Since you’ll be driving for a large portion of the day, every day during the run-up to your test, intensive courses give you the option to focus all of your energy and motivation into improving your driving skills, which in turn could increase your chance of a pass.

#2. Great for Refreshing Your Memory:

If you have learned how to drive in the past but never got around to taking your test, or haven’t had any driving lessons since failing a previous test, then an intensive driving course from a reputable school such as Momentum Driving School could be the perfect option for refreshing your memory and getting your confidence back behind the wheel. You can choose from a range of course options at such a school to suit all kinds of driver ability; a friendly advisor will be able to help advise you on which course is the best option for you, before you make a booking.

#3. Face More Driving Situations:

One of the main advantages of taking an intensive driving course over booking a driving lesson at the same time and day each week is that it’ll give you a bigger opportunity to put yourself in a wider range of driving situations, and gain a more varied experience of being on the road. For example, if your course entails beginning a lesson early in the morning and finishing in the afternoon or even the evening, then you may have to deal with things such as rush hour, navigating through school run time, or even the weather changing throughout the day.

Booking a course that involves driving on both weekends and weekdays could also mean that you’ll have to adapt to road changes such as roadworks and bus lanes switching between being suitable or unsuitable for use.

#4. Enjoy Less Stress:

One of the best things about choosing to take an intensive driving course is that it can actually be a lot less stressful than having individual lessons. Rather than having to work out how many lessons you will need and then taking the time to book your practical test separately at a time and location that’s suitable for you, your driving school will do all the hard work for you when taking an intensive course.

In most cases, all that is required is a small deposit to cover the cost of your driving test and theory test if you still need to take it, and the driving school will ensure that you’re fully booked and everything’s ready to go.

#5. Retain More Information:
When you are learning something new, it can be easy to forget what you’ve learned by the next time that you come around to doing it, if you leave too much time in between. For example, if you are having driving lessons on a week-by-week basis, then after your first lesson, you might need to spend half the time refreshing your memory by the time it comes around to your second time out on the road. On the other hand, intensive driving courses leave little time in between each lesson or period of driving, making it easier for you to retain the information and learn more in a shorter period of time.

#6. Develop a Better Relationship with Your Instructor:

In general, the better of a relationship that you have with your driving instructor, the higher your chances of being able to pass your driving test first time. This is because when your driving instructor is able to remember your standard of driving easily and what needs to be done to help you improve, you’re going to get the best possible teaching experience. When you’ll be spending a lot of time with your instructor within a short period of time, they’ll be able to focus all their energies on helping you pass, rather than teaching other students in between.

#7. Tailored to Suit You:

‘Crash courses’ may not be suitable for every type of learner driver, however, for the most part they can be adapted to suit your individual needs, requirements, and wishes. For example, if you have recently failed a driving test and simply want to spend some time perfecting your driving skills and working on the areas where you failed before taking it again, a short intensive course could be the perfect option for you, rather than having to wait for weeks before you get another go at the test.

Or, if you’ve never been behind the wheel of a car in your life, there are courses available that start from the very beginning and aim to have you at test standard within a matter of weeks or even days. If you need to pass your test before a certain date, then an intensive course can help to make this a reality for you.

#8. Save Money:

Last but not least, an intensive driving course can help you to effortlessly pass your test since there’s less need to worry about money. Unlike week-by-week lessons which are usually paid-per-hour along with the added financial stress of forking out for your tests, intensive courses are usually all paid for upfront and include everything that you need. Meaning, that once you have made the payment to your driving school or instructor, there’ll be no need to worry about being hit by any additional costs right up until getting your full driving license.

Along with that, there are certain intensive driving courses available which allow you to pay extra for the option to take your driving test multiple times if needed – if you’re worried that you won’t pass first time or simply want to have the added security of being easily able to try again, this could be a good option to consider.

An intensive driving course can be an excellent option for temporary learner insurance and offer a range of benefits, including the opportunity to focus solely on driving, refresh driving skills, experience more driving situations, reduce stress, retain more information, develop a better relationship with the instructor, and tailor the course to individual needs, while saving money.

Are you considering learning to drive with an intensive driving course? We’d love to hear back from you in the comments below.

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