Last chance to nominate your community heroes

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Monday, August 28, 2017 - 12:53pm

The opportunity to reward your community heroes with a free party is coming to an end in the next week.

People up and down the country have been asked to nominate their community heroes, people or groups who go above and beyond in their acts of kindness or in some cases, bravery.

Heroes nominated will be in with a chance to win one of five surprise parties in their honour, complete with catering, entertainment and drinks.

Those who nominate a successful pop up party winner will also receive a cash donation of £200.

The campaign, Pop Up Parties, has been created by the UK's favourite pork pie makers, Pork Farms.

People have until Monday 4th September to submit their nominations. Each nominee will feature on the website and will go up for a public vote to find the most deserving winners.

Michael Holton, brand and marketing manager at Pork Farms said: "We've had a great response so far for Pop Up Parties, with some really deserving people and groups who do everything from giving up their time to help neighbours, to raising money for charity or setting up voluntary groups that have really improved the lives of people in their community.

"No good deed is too big or too small and we are eager to celebrate your local heroes, simply submit your nominations to be in with a chance of winning."

To nominate your unsung heroes and also be in with a chance to win a cash prize, visit

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