Local groups urged to apply for funding
Devon Community Foundation is encouraging local groups and organisations who have great ideas to make their communities an even better place to live, to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality.
The charity is supporting groups to apply to a funding programme Active Communities launched by the People’s Health Trust for the South West. The funding programme is aimed at local people and groups wanting to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age.
Using money raised by HealthContact through The Health Lottery, People’s Health Trust is looking to invest in projects that support people living in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Devon.
Active Communities is a funding programme for not-for-profit groups with an income of less than £350,000 a year, seeking investment of between £5,000 and £25,000 per year for projects lasting up to two years. The projects should take place within a small area for a small group of people, such as 20 or 30 streets or a couple of villages.
Martha Wilkinson, Chief Executive for Devon Community Foundation said: “People’s Health Trust are looking to support ideas designed and run by local people which help create even stronger links and ties within communities. Whether it’s a tenants and residents’ mediation group or a computer skills group for older people, they’re interested in hearing it.”
Devon Community Foundation is supporting groups through the application process to help give projects the best possible chance of securing funding for their community. To find out about the help they can offer email lyn@devoncf.com.
The closing date for groups to contact the Foundation for support is by 1pm on 12th January 2015.
If you would like to find out more about Active Communities, contact Devon Community Foundation on 01884 235887 or visit www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk