Moor Lane roundabout upgrade on hold

Work to upgrade Moor Lane roundabout in Exeter has had to be put on hold temporarily following complications with utility diversions.

The first phase of the Devon County Council scheme got underway last month, starting with vegetation clearance and excavation to move service utilities.

It had been hoped that utility connections could be shifted to one side to enable the widening of the approach to the roundabout. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, some of the services require major diversions which has put a temporary stop to the earthwork.

While the work is on hold, temporary lane restrictions will be removed from Moor Lane.

It is hoped that the scheme can resume next month. It will continue to be co-ordinated with overnight resurfacing at Moor Lane roundabout, which is due to start in mid-March.

The Moor Lane project, which is adding a fourth approach lane to the roundabout from the direction of Sowton Industrial Estate, is being funded by the Highways England Growth and Housing Designated Fund and Devon County Council.

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