New city centre wedding fayre to take place in March
Exeter businesses will come together to showcase and celebrate the city’s wedding industry at a brand new wedding fayre this March.
Hosted by InExeter – the business improvement district, the fayre will take place in two of Exeter’s most iconic venues, Exeter Castle, and the Historic Guildhall.
Couples planning their upcoming partnership celebration or wedding will be treated to traditional fayre with a series of talks, stalls, stands, demonstrations, styling sessions and tasters from local businesses at Exeter Castle.
To truly imagine their big day couples can also visit the ‘immerse & imagine’ interactive experience at Exeter’s historic Guildhall hosted by the Lord Mayor and Marina O’Shea, InExeter’s Events Manager.
InExeter business champion Sharif Mirzad, Sharif Tailoring says “After all the uncertainties of the past two years we are so proud to be part of this wonderful event, and I know that when businesses come together in this way we will go from strength to strength. Thank you to InExeter for the opportunity to be part of the great event for the city.”
The event has been inspired by local real-life couple Sharifa and Jess who are both avid supporters of buying local and featured in the nine part #somethingspecial film series documenting their wedding day planning with a variety of Exeter businesses. The films are narrated using words taken from love letters written by Sharifa and Jess telling their story to each other.
So, if you’re planning a wedding celebration come along and find all about what Exeter has to offer.
For more information and to register your place at this free event visit https://bit.ly/ExeterWeddingFayre