New Help to Heat scheme for Teignbridge residents
Teignbridge District Council is helping residents improve the warmth and comfort of their homes with a new Help to Heat scheme.
Funded through the Government’s Energy Company Obligation scheme by energy suppliers, the scheme sees Teignbridge working in partnership with a number of companies to help private homeowners, tenants and landlords living in the district.
Grants are available for replacement boilers, including mains gas boilers, and non-gas boilers, such as LPG and oil, as well as replacement electric storage heaters, and insulation, including cavity wall and loft insulation, and possibly solid wall insulation.
Anybody who privately rents, homeowners, along with park home owners, can apply for a grant regardless of their circumstances, but the property they live in must have a D*, E, F or G Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating. Additionally, anyone who has a health condition which is made worse by the cold and who is on a low income can apply through the scheme.
To find out more or to register for a free no obligation survey, residents and landlords can email housing@teignbridge.gov.uk or call Teignbridge’s Housing team on 01626 215202.
For further information and to check if you are eligible, visit www.teignbridge.gov.uk/helptoheat
Cllr Humphrey Clemens, Teignbridge District Council’s executive for planning and housing said: “Keeping warm and comfortable is really important for your health and wellbeing, particularly during the winter months, but many people do not realise that there is help available to them. Teignbridge prides itself on offering help and advice, and this is a welcome new scheme that can benefit both homeowners and landlords.”
Externally, the Local Energy Advice Programme (LEAP) offers qualifying householders a free home energy advice visit which provides energy efficiency advice on how to reduce fuel bills. The visit also involves installing free, simple energy saving measures, and help with switching energy companies is provided if necessary. To find out if you qualify to receive home energy advice visit www.applyforleap.org.uk or call LEAP on 0800 060 7567.
*additional eligibility criteria may apply for EPC rating of ‘D’