New key roles at Teignbridge

George Dawson
Authored by George Dawson
Posted Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 5:06pm

Teignbridge District Council has announced key roles following the local elections.

Teignbridge’s Full Council on Tuesday 19 May 2015 saw Cllr Mike Hocking, who represents the Newton Abbot ward of Bradley, elected as new council chairman.

Outgoing chairman Anthony Ballinger thanked Teignbridge staff for their support during his tenure before formally handing over the chain of office.

Cllr Rosalind Prowse, who represents the ward of Dawlish South West, was appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Council.

Cllr Jeremy Christophers was reappointed as Leader and Cllr George Gribble was appointed as Deputy Leader.

Other important functions included the committees being created and the Leader advising who will serve on the Executive. Each member of the Executive has special areas of responsibility known as portfolios.

They are as follows:

Jeremy Christophers (Leader) Portfolio Holder for Strategic Direction
George Gribble (Deputy Leader) Portfolio Holder for Recreation and Leisure
Stuart Barker – Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources
Humphrey Clemens – Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing
John Goodey – Portfolio Holder for Community Neighbourhoods
Doug Hellier Laing – Portfolio Holder for Economy, Skills and Tourism
Sylvia Russell – Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing
Kevin Lake – Portfolio Holder for Environment Services

These roles are effective immediately.

Chairmen (C) and Vice-Chairmen (VC) for Teignbridge’s committees were also elected at the meeting. They are:

Overview & Scrutiny Committee:
Cllr Mike Haines (C)
Cllr Graham Price (VC)

Planning Committee:
Cllr Dennis Smith (C)
Cllr Avril Kerswell (VC)

Regulatory and Appeals Committee:
Cllr Anna Klinkenberg (C)
Cllr Charlie Dennis (VC)

Licensing Act 2003 Committee:
Cllr Ted Hockin (C)
Cllr Graham Price (VC)

Audit Scrutiny Committee:
Cllr Chris Clarance (C)
Cllr Ted Hockin (VC)

Strata Scrutiny Committee
Cllr Alan Connett
Cllr Rosalind Prowse
(+Conservative nomination to be advised)

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Standards Committee will be appointed at the first meeting of the committee.

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