New legislation for houses of multiple occupation
Landlords of houses of multiple occupation (HMOs) in Exeter are being reminded of new licensing requirements that are set to be introduced in February.
Exeter City Council is offering a series of discounts for landlords affected by the new legislation, to those who register their properties before 15 January, undertake a training course or are part of a recognised landlords' association.
Last month (November) Exeter City Council approved an extension of its licensing for HMOs following a lengthy period of public consultation.
The Council is broadening its licensing to cover rented properties in buildings which were converted into self-contained flats before 2001, when stricter Buildings Regulations were introduced, or flats in multiple occupation above shops and businesses.
The move to broaden the licensing allows the Council to maintain stricter controls on those properties currently not covered by the licensing regime.
It was felt that a significant proportion of these HMOs were posing an increased risk to the often unsuspecting tenants who lived there, in terms of fire safety. Many of them were frequently associated with poor management and anti-social behaviour.
By introducing additional licensing the Council can tackle these problems and improve standards in the private rented sector. There are an estimated 2,500 HMOs in Exeter.
Landlords need to assess whether their properties fall within the current or incoming legislation and can do so by going to www.exeter.gov.uk/additionalhmolicensing
The website also carries information about the pricing structure, training courses being held in January and February, available discounts and how to apply for a license.