Non-swimmer becomes lifeguard and swim teacher in two years
An Exeter Leisure worker who could barely swim less than two years ago has gone on to become a fully qualified lifeguard and swim teacher.
Twenty-five-year-old Paige has shown resilience and determination in her short career so far and demonstrated that she not just content with treading water when it comes to job satisfaction.
Paige started working for the City Council in 2020 as a receptionist for Pyramids Leisure Centre. When the facility closed down to make way for the state-of-the-art St Sidwell’s Leisure Centre, Paige transferred across to work in the creche.
Unfortunately, the creche proved unsustainable and Paige was again forced to look at other options. She was offered a position as a lifeguard but could barely swim a length!
Unwilling to let this be a set-back, Paige set about learning to swim properly. The only catch was she had to do this in around four weeks before her life-saving qualification!
“At the time I was in the process of buying my first house and I needed to ensure I had something secure, but my biggest worry was that I could barely swim!” admitted Paige.
No problem at all! She set about the task with dogged determination, teaching herself and enlisting the help of one of the Exeter Leisure lifeguards. Paige passed her NPLQ first time!
“After I had completed my course, some other job opportunities came up (swimming instructor and a swimming co-ordinator). I thought if I could teach myself to swim in such a short period of time, I could teach other people too.
“I’ve always loved working with children, so I applied for both and I am now a fully qualified level two teacher and I manage the swimming lessons at Exeter Leisure.”
Charlotte Tregedeon, General Manager at Exeter Leisure, said Paige’s character and determination shone through in her role: “She has not let minor setbacks get in her way and has embraced opportunities even when they have been out of her comfort zone.”
Cllr Duncan Wood, Lead Councillor for Leisure Services & Healthy Living, said: “Paige’s story is a wonderful example of triumph through adversity. A number of times in her career she was not willing to admit defeat and instead strive to learn new skills. She is a fantastic asset to Exeter Leisure and we’re proud to have her onboard.”
Photo: Exeter City Council.