Out now – free magazine for residents
The latest issue of a magazine for residents in East Devon ensures that they continue to get direct information about important issues in the District – at a bargain price.
East Devon Connect, a magazine produced in partnership with Devon County Council and others, is now out and is produced and distributed at nil cost to EDDC.
It's delivered free to homes across the district and should be arriving on doorsteps any time now.
Working with Devon County Council means that the 24-page magazine can be produced more cheaply whilst still providing residents with a line of communication that many say is still their preferred method of hearing council news. The unit cost is just 15 pence.
People who take part in EDDC’s Neighbourhood Assessments are always asked which way they would prefer to receive council news – and most reply that they like their information to come in a newsletter or magazine.
The magazine is being delivered to households this week and is also available online at: www.eastdevon.gov.uk/connecteastdevonsummer13web.pdf
The Summer 2013 issue of East Devon Connect carries news and important information from Devon County Council, EDDC, NHS Devon and the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service. It also has details of the new intake of Devon County Council members following the elections on 2 May.
East Devon Connect is produced twice a year – in early summer and late autumn.
The first issue contains joint information about such diverse subjects as a new local health service structure, regeneration schemes in East Devon, the return of the Tour of Britain, saving money on parking, and boosting economic growth across Devon.
For further information please visit www.eastdevon.gov.uk