Oyez! Devon town crier to compete in Bermuda

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Friday, April 17, 2015 - 5:11pm

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!  Stephen Cunliffe from Dawlish is competing in the Bermuda International Town Crier Competition 2015 next week.

Twenty-five town criers from the UK and Canada are preparing to descend upon Bermuda to compete in the third annual competition.

In a tradition dating back to the 18th century, Town Criers have always been elaborately dressed - their signature red and gold coats, white breeches and black boots are completed with a tricorne hat and a trademark hand bell to draw people’s attention. Typically they were the only means of communication with townsfolk and were used to make public announcements.

Times and traditions may have changed but over the course of three days participants will compete in Crying Competitions island-wide, vying for the title of Bermuda International Town Crier 2015.

The judging criteria includes: appearance (uniform), bearing and confidence, dlarity, content, dictation, Iinflection and sustained volume.

Between competitions there are a host of other activities lined-up which are guaranteed to give all visitors a true taste of the Bermudian way of life.

Stephen has over 30 years of Town Crying experience and his ambition is to be the oldest recognised Crier. His insignia is based on the Georgian period, with updated details, whilst his wife Caroline’s dress is based on the style of the Duchess of Devonshire.

Could Stephen be the first Brit to ever walk away with the title of Bermuda International Town Crier 2015?

The Bermuda International Town Crier Competition 2015 runs 22-24 April 2015.

You can follow this year’s contest on Facebook and Twitter.

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