Planners approve supercomputer building
The outlook seems bright for East Devon with news that that a building to house a major part of the Met Office’s proposed new high performance computer was given the go-ahead from district council planners yesterday (Thursday 13 November).
The modern building will provide much of the space for the so-called supercomputer on a site at Exeter Science Park, whilst the rest of the equipment will be housed on the Met Office’s existing site at Sowton, Exeter.
News that planning permission has been granted by East Devon District Council – conditional on the new development meeting a number of provisos set by planners – was warmly welcomed by Council Leader Paul Diviani.
He said: “This decision means that the Met Office and their contractors can move forward with the business of making this £97 million dream a reality. The investment being made in East Devon by this world player in weather forecasting is testament to the successful commitment made by Local Authority partners to the concept of the Science Park and the wider Growth Point.
“I’m proud to lead a council that will see its own hard work and that of its many public and private sector partners rewarded with such a prestigious and globally important development.
“This permission brings closer the day when this area becomes a magnet for high quality jobs and investment and truly puts East Devon on the map as the place that delivers good growth and high-quality, knowledge-based jobs”.
The conditions attached to the approval include submission of, and prior agreement by the planning authority to, such matters as:
• Connection to a District Heating (DH) facility or separate combined heat and power (CHP) source, or a system compatible with these heating sources
• On-site parking and vehicle access
• Appearance, including materials and colours, of the proposed bike and refuse store
• Surface water drainage system to comply with the approved scheme
• Detailed exterior lighting scheme as proposed
• Compliance with the agreed Dormouse Mitigation Strategy
• Eastern area of the site to be re-graded and planted with wildflower grassland
• Details of materials to be used for the exterior hard surfaces, feature walls/groynes and seats.