Planning for emergencies in Mid Devon

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Friday, October 10, 2014 - 8:44am

A Planning for Emergencies Fair has been organised for residents of Mid Devon.  

This is so that individuals and communities can plan should a major emergency event occur to them or in their community.

The free event is to be held on Thursday 16 October at Tiverton Town Hall. The ‘drop in’ event is organised by Mid Devon District Council and the Environment Agency and runs from 3pm to 7pm.

Representatives from other agencies such as the Police, Devon County Council, British Red Cross, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Services, Western Power Distribution, South West Ambulance Service Trust, and the AA will be available to offer support and advice on all aspects of remaining safe. Also emergency product suppliers will be on hand with samples of flood defences and other useful equipment.

Julia Ryder,Community Safety & Emergency Planning Officer said, “We are encouraging residents, community groups, businesses and town and parish council representatives to come

to this event. Should a major emergency occur, simple planning in advance can mean that the incident is handled in a much more organised manner, and means of help and support is identified prior to anything actually happening.”

She continued, “We are very fortunate that Mid Devon missed much of the flooding that occurred last winter, however winter is approaching again and there is the possibility of more bad weather. Householders need to take precautions and be prepared. But disasters and emergencies may not just be weather related; it may be due to a serious fire, vehicle or train/plane crash or any other number of unforeseen incidents. We don’t want to raise concern to individuals but planning how you might evacuate your property or business, and where you can seek immediate help are important things to consider. This Planning For Emergencies Fair gives a good overview of things to consider.”

During the Fair there will be some presentations given by the agencies taking part. These will run between 3.30 and 4.30pm and 5.30 and 6.30pm.

Anyone wishing to discuss this event or planning for emergencies can contact Julia or Laura at Mid Devon District Council on 01884 234996/7. Further details are on the website

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