Plans for 'Community owned' library service
Plans to set up a new independent organisation to run Devon’s libraries have been unveiled.
The new community-owned 'mutual' would be commissioned by Devon County Council to run the library service on its behalf.
Similar models are successfully running library services in other parts of the country and saving council taxpayers' money.
The authority is facing a £50 million reduction in its funding in the next financial year.
It has already shaved £3 million off its library service budget over the past three years, and aims to save a further £1.5 million by April 2016. Despite the cuts not a single library has been closed in Devon.
As part of its long term strategy to deliver savings whilst maintaining a professionally run network of libraries across the county, the council has investigated a number of alternative operating models for the service, including sharing its management and delivery with neighbouring local authorities or finding an external provider to deliver it.
However, in response to overwhelming support from communities prepared to work more closely with their local libraries, the council is now looking to set up an independent, community led organisation to continue to deliver an affordable, sustainable and innovative library service that keeps the community at its heart.
It will also mean greater flexibility and give the service freedom to secure additional funding and income as well as offering communities the opportunity for far greater involvement in how their local libraries are run.
A mutual service with charitable status could be eligible for up to 80 per cent relief on its business rates and could also apply for grants and funds which are not available to local authorities.
Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for the library service, said:
“Our libraries are really important to our residents. They’ve told us how much they value them and that they are prepared to get more involved, support them and improve the services they offer.
“We have never underestimated the strength of this feeling and passion. We’ve listened to our residents, and welcomed their support by coming up with a plan to make sure communities will have more influence over the future of their libraries.
“As well as listening to our communities, we’ve been holding detailed discussions with our staff, whose expertise and knowledge we want to retain to continue running and managing the libraries.
“We have seen library closures happening across the country, and we want to avoid that happening here. Instead our vision is to develop a vibrant, dynamic organisation at the heart of community life that we will commission our library service from, to enable our residents to access and contribute to high quality services for learning, skills and information for years to come.
“This won’t be an easy task, and we’ve got a lot work to do over coming months, but we have to make sure we are making the right decisions to secure Devon’s valuable library service for the future.
“I’m encouraged by the success of the ongoing community pilot programme that is underway and already beginning to show the benefits of greater community involvement in the library service. We look forward to engaging with library customers and communities over the coming months as the planning for this new organisation moves forward.
“By working together we can achieve the modern, vibrant library service that meets the needs of the local community, and which the people of Devon deserve.”
As well as the considerable budget savings, members of Devon County Council’s Cabinet will hear on Wednesday (11th March) that a new independent organisation will also offer a number of other benefits for both the future running of the library service and the wider County Council. These include greater control over running costs, accessing new funding sources, freedom to innovate and develop services to generate income, flexible staffing, a more concentrated focus and greater opportunities to engage more directly with customers, communities and partners.