Police Authority Chair reported over commissioner email

Devon and Cornwall Police Authority chairman, Mike Bull, has been accused of breaching data protection laws by emailing some staff about his preferred police commissioner candidate in the forthcoming elections.


Exeter's Labour MP, Ben Bradshaw, said he has reported Mr Bull to the Information Commissioner after a police officer from his constituency showed him one of two emails sent by Mr Bull.


The MP said: "Clearly the use of and access to the police database to electioneer is potentially a legal matter. That's why it's very important that the Information Commissioner investigates this as a matter of urgency."


However, Mr Bull, who has been an Independent Member of the Police Authority since 2003, told BBC Radio Devon this morning that he sent the emails in a personal capacity and did not use police equipment.


Mr Bull said: "I made it very clear that I was sending emails to a number of personal contacts from personal equipment at home, which clearly stated that I was not doing this in my capacity as chairman of the police authority”


He said: "The government is refusing to fund the spread of information to electors in the way it is usually done, which is almost forcing the election to be conducted through electronic means... I am absolutely certain that the Information Commissioner will find I have done nothing wrong.


The police authority is due to be replaced by the new commissioner after an election for the new post on 15th November.


For more information visit www.bbc.co.uk/devon

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