Police target rogue drivers on M5
Operation Vortex, the successful road safety campaign run by Devon and Cornwall Police, is to be staged on Thursday 2 April and on days throughout April and May.
Police will be using a number of unmarked vehicles including police motorbikes to help identify and target motorists who disregard road traffic laws and cause danger to others.
Officers from the Armed Response Unit will be joining their colleagues in the Safer Roads Support Unit for the operation which will take place on major roads across the region.
Inspector Richard Pryce from the Force’s Roads Policing Unit said: “This initiative is specifically intended to heighten motorists’ attention to their driving. Using unmarked vehicles has a lasting physiological effect, making drivers think carefully about their driving habits at all times, not only when a marked car is in sight.
“This next set of road patrols under Op Vortex is important as it sees us working with our colleagues from the Armed Response Unit as part of their roads policing activities. As ever, law-abiding motorists have nothing to fear from this initiative, this is dealing with complacent and arrogant behaviour on the roads.”
The operation will focus on tackling the ‘Fatal Four’ behaviours - namely excessive or inappropriate speed, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, not wearing a seat belt and driver distractions which includes the use of mobile devices whilst behind the wheel.
Those caught committing offences will be dealt with proportionately and in many cases, when applicable, may be referred to an educative disposal option. The more serious offences detected, the drivers may face a court appearance. The consequences could mean a fine, disqualification or possible imprisonment, depending on the nature of the offence.
The Op Vortex patrol on Thursday 2 April will take place on the M5 Junctions 26-30.
Devon and Cornwall police will be tweeting throughout the day using hashtag #OpVortex and updating followers on the latest from the operation via their @DC_Police account.