Psst, it's easy for you to submit your own articles
The wait is finally over. Now all you have to do to keep up to date with what's going on in your local community is follow these 5 simple steps. You don't have to register, but if you do you can share your news, blog and link up with like-minded people. And what's more, it's absolutely free to join! So what are you waiting for?
Step 1: Click Register in the top right corner of the home page. Choose a user name, enter a valid email address and select a password.
Step 2: Click on the email you receive from us to confirm your membership.
Step 3: Fill in your details including a brief biog, upload a photo and fill in your Twitter, Facebook, Twitter and Linkd in details.
Step 4: Save your profile and you are ready to start. We have an extensive what's on section to browse and the beauty is you can upload your own events.
Step 5: Click on add story or add event button above right. Fill in a title, the story/event, add key words in the Tags field, select a category such as local news or food and drink and then upload a photo or video to go with the story/event (you can add as many pictures/videos as you want).
Save the story and keep an eye on the website for it to appear. PLEASE DO NOT WORRY IF YOUR POSTING DOESN'T APPEAR STRAIGHT AWAY. It will be published as soon as it has gone through our moderation process.
In the meantime, enjoy reading The Exeter Daily and let us know what you think.
If you experience any problems, contact us on TED@thedailyuk.com and we will respond as soon as possible.