RAMM encourages debate - what do you think?
Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery is encouraging debate about contemporary art.
At an event on Friday 16 May, a panel of experts will discuss with the audience how gallery curators decide what to include in an exhibition, what is shocking, and what a museum & art gallery should be showing in the 21st century.
The event will include debate about the works of Gilbert & George currently on display at RAMM, other works at the Museum, and contemporary art in general.
Those attending the event will have the opportunity to contribute to the debate and to ask questions of the panel live at the event. RAMM is also inviting questions in advance. You can Tweet your question to @RAMMuseum with the hashtag #ArtDebate, or email ramm.socialmedia@exeter.gov.uk.
Recognising that Gilbert & George's art is not to everyone's taste, and extending the discussion and debate, RAMM has been offering visitors to the exhibition a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' badge to help to gauge public opinion.
The debate 11.30am to 1pm on Friday 16 May at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery, Exeter. For more information and to book free tickets go to the RAMM website http://www.rammuseum.org.uk/whats-on/modern-art-considering-the-contempo...