Reach out to a friend in need
Exeter Mid & East Devon Samaritans wants anyone worried about a friend, work colleague or family member who may be struggling to cope to ask them ‘Are you OK?’ this Thursday, September 10 - World Suicide Prevention Day.
“It takes a bit of bravery but if you suspect someone’s having a tough time, reach out. Let them talk and just listen - try not to judge” says Helen Crossfield, director of the local Samaritans.
More than 6,000 people take their own lives in the UK and Ireland every year.
“If people make it clear that they don’t want to talk to you, let them know Samaritans is available round the clock every day of the year, for anyone who needs the space to think and talk in confidence” she says.
As well as answering calls, emails, texts and talking to people face to face, the local Samaritans branch promotes emotional health and wellbeing through outreach work.
For World Suicide Prevention Day, the charity has issued tips on starting those difficult conversations - they’re posted on www.samaritans.org/wspd and links can be found on @ExeSamaritans with the hashtag #RUOK?
Samaritans offers round-the-clock support for anyone who’s struggling, whoever they are, however they are feeling, and whatever life has done to them.
The local branch has some 100 volunteers but there is always need for more according to Helen Crossfield.
“Listening to anyone who needs to talk is at the heart of what we do. But we also get involved in the community, raising awareness, fundraising and staging events. It’s so rewarding. If you’re interested, get in touch and discuss what you can do. You can email on volunteerrecruitment@exetersamaritans.org” she says.
People can contact Samaritans in confidence by phone, email, text or face to face.
Anyone who wants to talk in confidence to Samaritans can call 0845 790 9090 or
email jo@samaritans.org.