Recycle Devon: Vote for your recycling hero

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 11:06pm

Communities across Devon are invited to vote for their recycling heroes in the Fifth Recycle Devon Thank You Awards.

This year there have been over 40 nominations across seven  categories including Your Recycling Hero, Collection Crew/Operative of the year and Small Business Champion.

Residents can vote for their recycling heroes online from Monday 15 January at  Voting will be open until Friday 16  February.

All the shortlisted candidates have been invited to attend an awards ceremony at County Hall on Friday 16 March in the Coaver Club, hosted by Matt and Victoria from Heart Radio’s breakfast show.

The awards are organised by the Recycle Devon team, and were first launched to recognise those people who do that bit extra to help ensure Devon remains clean and green.

Recycle Devon is a partnership of 10 councils including Devon County Council, eight district authorities and one unitary authority.

At the awards there will also be a cream tea kindly provided by Waitrose who have supported the awards since their inception.

Chairman of the Devon Authorities Strategic Waste Committee (DASWC) Councillor Duncan Wood said: “At the last count 55.7 per cent of the total rubbish collected or taken to the county’s numerous recycling centres was recycled.

“This is tremendous and marks Devon as one of the top recycling counties in England. Recycle Devon wants to recognise those who have gone beyond the call of duty or perhaps even come up with new and innovative ways to reduce waste or reuse old items and the awards ceremony will be a thank you to them for the good work that they do.”

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