Red Lion, Sidbury - Vote as Express & Echo Pub of the Year
The Exeter Express & Echo newspaper is running its first Pub of the Year competition and the Red Lion has been nominated by some of the paper's readers which is great news!
However, so have another 62 local pubs! It would be great if the Red Lion was to win the competition.
Unfortunately the Express & Echo have identified the Red Lion as being located in Sidford! But don't let that distract you it is really the Red Lion, Sidbury - honestly!
Supporters of their nominated pub are able to vote in the Pub of the Year competition in two ways. Firstly, you can vote for the Red Lion by voting on-line by following this link to the competition's page here.
Once you are into the Express & Echo's on-line page headed "Vote today in the Pub of the Year competition" you need to scroll down past the story about the competition, past the list of pubs that have been nominated & past the various comments left by readers, until you reach the foot of the page.
Here you need to vote in the box headed "Add your comments". Please insert "No. 63 Red Lion, Sidbury". You have then voted on-line for the Red Lion!
Alternatively, if you go to the Express & Echo's website & type in "Echo Pub of the Year" into the search facility it will take you directly to the relevant page to allow you to vote.
Secondly, please purchase the Express & Echo, published each Thursday. Fill in the voting coupon in the paper by identifying your Pub of the Year competition choice to be "Red Lion, Sidbury".
Having completed the coupon you need to return it to the newspaper at the address on the coupon. You can vote both on-line and by completing and returning the coupon.
Your on-line and coupon entries need to be received by midday on 1 July.
Please take the time to vote both on-line & by coupon. It would be a wonderful vote of confidence in the Red Lion if it won.
The winning pub will have an in-depth article written about it in the Express & Echo. That would showcase the local support that there is for the Red Lion.
Please vote today for the Red Lion, both on-line and by coupon.