A region of savvy savers? The saving habits of the South West revealed

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 10:35am

New research has revealed the attitudes that the UK public have towards putting their money away for a rainy day.

Online lender Sunny surveyed over 1,000 people to find out how much the UK knew and understood when it came to budgeting, how much they saved and their money habits in general.

So how did the South West get on? And how much is our region able to put away each month?

Let’s take a look…

Average savings per month (per person)

1. London - £228
2. South East - £201
3. Northern Ireland - £178
4. East of England - £171
5. East Midlands - £151
6. Yorkshire and the Humber - £146
7. South West £139
8. Scotland - £136
9. Wales - £130
9. North East - £130
11. North West - £115
12. West Midlands - £112

It turns out when it comes to savings, the south west falls just into the bottom half of the UK, managing to put £139 away for a rainy day on average every month. This below the UK average of £156 a month.

Perhaps technology could be the answer to the South West’s saving problems? Only 11% of people in the region have a mobile app which they can monitor their spending on, almost 3 times less than the amount of people who use the old school method of a jar for their spare change (30%)!

To find out more about the UK’s attitudes to saving take a look at the infographic below!


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